< Back ## Notice regarding the processing of personal data of candidate employees
The company under the name “Roots Systems S.A.”  (hereinafter the “Company” or “we” or “us” or “our”), with registered offices in Athens, Greece (at 8A Pentelis Str., 175 64 Palaio Faliro), hereby informs you with regard to the processing of your personal data in connection with, in the context and for the needs of your application and evaluation of your candidacy for working with us.

### Α. Data we process

In the context and for the evaluation of your application for working with us we may process the personal data you share with us during the recruitment process.
Indicatively, as applicable and to the extent required, we may collect and further process the following personal data:
*        Identification data (e.g., name and surname, date of birth, citizenship);
*        Contact information (address, telephone number, e-mail address);
*        Professional experience (including reference letters from previous employers), education, language skills, qualifications and other skills, participation to professional organizations;
*        Notes taken in the course of the interviews;
*        Communication data, such as content of email correspondence;
*        your eligibility to work in Greece;
*        information about the reason for your application;
*        information from your LinkedIn profile (if you decided to use your LinkedIn profile for your CV/resume)
*        any other information you may provide to us or is included in your CV, cover letter and documents you have provided us in any other way.
The provision of the personal data is necessary in order for us to make a decision on whether we will enter into an employment contract with you (recruitment decision). The provision of the personal data is optional. However, if you do not provide us with your personal data the application and evaluation process may be delayed and/ or we may not be in a position to properly assess your application and, practically, we may need to reject it.  

### Β. Why we purposes your data

We process your personal data, to the extent permitted or required by applicable law, for the following purposes:
(a)   To determine your suitability for the position you are applying for as part of the application process;
(b)   To provide you with offers for potential other positions that may be of interest for you (on the basis of your prior consent);
(c)    To protect our legitimate interest (e.g. as required for the defense of legal claims); and
(d)   To comply with our obligations.
Processing of personal data is, in principle, necessary for the evaluation of your CV and your professional background to determine if we will proceed with an employment agreement [GDPR Art. 6 par 1 (b)].
The personal data may also be processed in cases where the Company reasonably considers that this is necessary for its compliance with its legal obligations [GDPR Art. 6 para 1 (c)] to protect its legitimate interests, e.g. as required for the needs of legal claims, to ensure the fairness of the recruitment and evaluation procedure, to prevent fraud or for internal audits for the security of IT systems of the Company.

### C. Whom we share your data with       
In order to support our recruiting processes we will use the services of Workable (~[www.workable.com](http://www.workable.com/)~), a third party provider of recruiting software service; we will also use the services of LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com), a business and employment-focused social media platform.
We will also engage external service providers, who act as our data processors, to provide certain services to us, such as IT service providers (e.g., e-mail service provider, data hosting service provider, technical support and IT system maintenance service provider).
We may share, in compliance with applicable laws, personal data with law enforcement agencies, governmental authorities, legal counsels or external consultants. Also, in case of a corporate merger or acquisition, personal data may be transferred to the third parties being involved in the merger or acquisition.

~Cross-border data transfers~

In the framework of cooperation with the aforesaid recipients, any transfer of your personal data outside the EU/EEA for the purpose of achieving the above processing purposes, due to sharing of personal data with them, will be based on an adequacy decision issued by the European Commission or subject to suitable and appropriate safeguards and conditions to ensure an adequate level of data protection, e.g., data transfer agreements based on standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission. For further information on how the Company protects personal data when transferred outside the EU/EEA or in order to obtain a copy of the safeguards we implement to protect personal data when transferred outside the EU/EEA, please contact us at privacy@rootsystems.gr

### D. How long we retain your data

In principle, we will retain your personal data for as long as required or permitted by applicable law, including for as long as the data may be required to pursue or defend any claims that have not been time-barred.
Should your qualifications and experience match those required for the opening you applied for or any of our current openings, we will contact you. Otherwise, we will keep your CV and your personal data for six (6) months after the completion of the recruitment process for said position, in case a new opportunity arises, and we will then securely delete them (unless you inform us that you would like us to delete them earlier or keep them longer in our files for future roles).

### E. Your rights

Under the conditions provided by applicable law, you have the following rights with regard to the protection of your personal data:

~Right of access~: You can contact the Company so that we can inform you and explain whether and what data we retain about you and how we process them. You may also request a copy of your personal data that the Company retains.

~Right to rectification~: If you believe your data are inaccurate or need to be updated, you have the right to request the rectification of inaccurate personal data and the supplementation of incomplete data.

~Right to erasure~: Under certain conditions, e.g., when the data are no longer needed or you have withdrawn your consent or the data have been unlawfully processed, you have the right to request from the Company the erasure of your personal data.

~Right to restriction of processing~: If you consider that your data are inaccurate or that their processing is unlawful, or you consider that the data are no longer needed by the Company, or you object to automated processing, you have the right to request that the processing be restricted.

~Right to object~: You may object to the processing of your personal data by the Company on grounds that concern you and relate to your particular situation, unless, inter alia, there are compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms. You also have the right to object when a decision concerning you is based solely on automated processing, including profiling, and this decision produces legal effects concerning you or significantly affects you (exceptions provided by law).

~Right to portability~: You may request to receive your data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and have your data transmitted to another organisation (controller), which you will indicate to the Company.

~Right to lodge a complaint~: You have the right to lodge a complaint with the Hellenic Data Protection Authority with regard to matters that concern the processing of your personal data by the Company. The Hellenic Data Protection Authority is based in Athens (1-3, Kifisias Street, GR-11523). More information on the competence of the Hellenic Data Protection Authority and how to lodge a complaint, you can find at www.dpa.gr.
For further and more detailed information about your rights, we encourage you to visiting the Hellenic Data Protection Authority website (www.dpa.gr). If you have any queries or concerns, or you wish to exercise your rights (of access, objection, etc.) please contact us at privacy@rootsystems.gr] and we will respond.

### F. How to contact us

You can contact the Company and/or exercise your above-mentioned rights, at: 8A Pentelis str., 175 64 Palaio Faliro, Athens, Greece, or at privacy@rootsystems.gr.